

If you’re wanting to lose weight and you already have a plan that includes healthy eating and exercise (if you don’t then, I’m always here to help you create one, which I’ll share with you at the end), then you are well on your way to getting your body in shape for summer so that you can finally feel confident in your swimming costume or bikini when you jet off for your hols.

However, have you ever considered that the time of day that you choose to exercise may actually have some effect on how easy or difficult it will be to tone your tummy, define your legs and arms, and achieve the perfect pert bottom? Well, the answer is probably not what you might think it is, because when you exercise — whether it’s first thing in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening — just may influence how well you burn fat and therefore drop the pounds efficiently.

It’s Never Too Late

When it comes to your health, the one-size-fits-all approach is something that you should throw out in the rubbish. This means that the YouTube workout your male colleague has used at the crack of dawn to drop a couple of stone may not do the same for you, especially if you’re over 40 and haven’t had exercised in a while.

But you should definitely take heart in the fact that it is never too late to start exercising AND knowing that certain times of the day just might be better for you to optimise your workouts, rather than trying to squeeze them in before work, during your lunch hour or after work when the only thing you want to do after a hard day is get cozy on your sofa.

Although exercising at any time of the day is better than not doing any exercise at all, it would be more beneficial to your overall weight loss and fitness plan to consider the Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type of exercise that you do, which is also know as the FITT Principle. According to the FITT Principle, you must factor in how often you exercise each week (the frequency), how hard your sessions are (the intensity), how long your exercise sessions are and the time of day that you do them (the time) and the activities you choose to do (the type). Empowering yourself with the knowledge of how all of these pieces interconnect as a whole will help you to achieve the results that you’re after faster, and go a long way to ensuring that you stay fit and healthy for the rest of your days.

The FITT Principle works, because it takes account of your circadian rhythm, which helps to regulate your hormone production. Hormones are especially important when it comes to women over 40. So much so, that this month, I’m giving away a FREE HAPPY HORMONES CHAT to the first SIX women who contact me. To book your FREE HAPPY HORMONES CHAT, you can call or text me on 07748 298 728 or simply CLICK HERE. And just what does this all have to do with the timing of your actual workouts? Well, by timing your workout to your personal circadian rhythm, it can mean that your coordination will be better and your metabolism and breathing capacity will be at their peak. So, for example, if you force yourself to squeeze in a workout before you start your day, but you’re body is feeling sluggish and your reactions are weak, then it would probably be a good idea for you to consider exercising in the afternoon or evening instead, because you just may find that your workouts will be more effective.

Top Of The Morning

In 2012, research by Brigham Young University showed that women who did 45-minute morning workouts were able to curb their appetite throughout the day and didn’t consume more food to make up for the calories they burned off during exercise, which disputed the commonly held belief that working out makes you eat more. However, two of the big disadvantages of morning workouts for many women is the fact that they sacrifice the quality of their sleep and that they might skip breakfast and try to exercise with depleted energy stores.

If you’re doing a demanding workout, then it you might find it would be better to train later in the day or perhaps do a mid-morning session after you’ve had a small meal beforehand, although if you’re doing a gentle yoga session like yin or hatha, some Pilates, or a brisk walk, then a morning exercise session before you talk yourself out of it could serve you well.

Night Owls

Obviously, exercising after you’ve finished all of your daily responsibilities will leave you with more time to do it. Plus, if you’re working out with your friends or participating in a class, it gives you a good excuse to destress from the day and boost your endorphins before bedtime. And more than likely, you’ll have better concentration, more time to warm up properly, and enough energy to get through your workout. However, if you tend to struggle getting quality sleep each night, then forcing a workout in the evening can disturb your slumber, especially if it keeps you awake into the early hours.

Of course, any exercise activity that you can perform consistently is the best way to approach your workouts. So, if distractions keep you from working out later in the day and you have a consistent morning routine, stick with it. The same goes for having a consistent evening routine if you find it difficult to squeeze in a session before work.

But if you’re wanting to improve your performance or give your current routine a boost, then factoring in the FITT Principle could help you to burn more fat, tone your thighs and bottom, and slim your tummy faster.

If you need help fitting the right exercise for you into your life and developing a healthy routine that really works and gets you the results you want, then feel free to give me a quick call or text for a confidential FREE chat on 07748 298 728 or CLICK HERE.


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