

You know that age old cliche “the diet starts Monday?” well for me this week it was “the detox starts Monday” you see I have the most wild weekend for my friend’s 50th birthday in London.

I really let my hair down, bubbles on the train, afternoon tea and total indulgence at the Dorchester, an afternoon recording Abba songs in a recording studio (complete with fancy dress – see below!) and then exaggerated and over the top salsa dancing in a latino club until the early hours. There were 15 of us in total and it was FANTASTIC!

So, why am I telling you this? Shouldn’t I be squeaky clean, holier-than-thou and dedicated 100% to clean living in my role as a personal trainer, nutritionist and lifestyle coach? Well in an ideal and perfect world the answer would be yes, but we don’t live in that perfect world do we? Staying on track is a difficult task and each person has varying levels of willpower. Whilst mine might be as robust as steel most of the time, it is vital to let your hair down occasionally, enjoy yourself, and ultimately enjoy life!

I encourage my clients to follow certain rules depending on their goals.

The weight loss rule – 90/10 rule;

90% great and on plan

10% a little of something you fancy

If you want weight loss, I recommend one blow out (or “cheat meal”) per fortnight.

The “I’ve reached my goal already” rule – 80/20;

80% being good

20% of what you fancy

For those clients who have got to goal and are looking to maintain, I recommend the 80/20 rule which basically means one blow out cheat meal a week.

There is method in this madness in that having these indulgences to look forward to means that you should never feel deprived as nothing is banned. I knew that this weekend was coming up with the girls and I planned accordingly, ensuring that I stayed on track up to the weekend and immediately afterwards (I was up at 8am on the Sunday morning drinking Zambrosa and coconut water to rehydrate and replenish me).

Both my clients and myself do my B-Fit B-Fabulous 21 Day Weight Loss Plan (aka Gaynor’s detox) every 3-4 months to flush out excess toxins from alcohol and food, which is stored in fat.

I started my 21 day detox on Monday and although I had the most wonderful weekend, I’m looking forward to giving my body a little M.O.T (and T.L.C. over the next three weeks). If only I can stop singing those Abba songs…


Looking for ways to stay on track when you have a night out planned? Click here

Looking for the detox and a guaranteed way to lose 8-14lbs OR drop a dress size in 21 days? Click here for the B-Fit B-Fabulous 21 Day Weight Loss Plan.

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