

So many people seem to be getting ill at the moment so in this week’s blog I’m going to explore some of the best  immune system boosting foods you can eat on a daily basis to help boost your immune system and fight off those bugs and viruses.

Eating a wide variety of  healthy organic natural food  types  will help ensure your body is getting the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to keep your immune system strong.

Eating healthy immune system  boosting foods regularly can help strengthen your body’s defences and ward off colds, flu, tummy bugs and other common infections, as well as making you less prone to more severe health conditions.
A diet that’s rich in immune system boosting  foods can also give your other key body systems a boost, give you more natural energy and bounce and help improve your mood, your skin and hair, and your mental health.


Your immune system is your body’s first line of defence against many illnesses.

It is a complex network of cells and organs that helps your body to respond to, and fight back against infection.
When it functions well, your immune system can help you ward off colds, bugs, tummy trouble and a host of other common conditions, and help you to recover quickly when  and if you do get ill.
It also helps to evolve your body’s response to infection, to help keep it at bay.
If your immune system is not as strong as it can be, it could leave you more prone to allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders. Long-term, these can have a severe impact on your health and wellbeing.


Eating well and getting plenty of exercise are all good ways to give your immune system a boost.
A varied diet that is rich in organic fresh fruit and vegetables will give you most of the nutrients your body needs to maintain a healthy immune system.
Exercising outdoors to get your daily dose of vitamin D and getting plenty of fresh air can also help keep your immune system healthy, as can staying hydrated by drinking plenty of  water (preferably filtered) every day.
Resting properly after exercise and avoiding stress will also help. So will avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, takeaways and processed  food that is high in sugar and / or hydrogenated fat, although that doesn’t mean you have to deny yourself. The odd tipple or treat now and then is fine and can help stop cravings. Just remember to be good to yourself and keep things in moderation.


There are an array of  healthy ,delicious foods out there that are not only good for the immune system, but can also improve your overall health and wellbeing. Here’s just a few of my favourites that are readily available and easy to incorporate into your daily food intake:

  • Green veg:Dark, leafy vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants, which not only keep your immune system healthy but help prevent the damage done to your cells by oxidative stress. Fresh broccoli, spinach, kale and Cavalo Nero are some of the best green veggies you can put on your plate, or whizz into your smoothies.
  • Garlic:While garlic is usually used to add flavour to your favourite dishes, it also has many health benefits. It is not only helpful in fighting infection but is also excellent at ‘ cleansing’   your blood vessels and lowering  your blood pressure by  helping to  prevent hardening of  the blood vessels
  • Ginger is renowned for its immune-boosting qualities. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe sore throats, inflammation and chronic pain as well as easing nausea and sickness.
  • Green tea: Tea is a great natural source of flavonoids, antioxidants which can help prevent cell damage caused by oxidative stress. It contains high levels of an antioxidant called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has immune-boosting properties. However, while black tea is usually fermented before being sold, which strips out much of the EGCG, green tea is steamed, which leaves most of its EGCG intact.
  • Turmeric is a widely used spice with a distinctive yellow colour. It contains high concentrations of Curcumin, an active compound that has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immune-boosting properties. It helps to repair muscle damage after exercising and is also useful in treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Citrus fruits: Most citrus fruit – such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple and lime – is rich in Vitamin C, which is one of the most crucial nutrients your body uses to ward off illness. Vitamin C helps to increase the production of white blood cells, which the body uses to fight infection. However, because your body can’t produce or store Vitamin C, you need to get your daily amount from your diet or supplementation.
  • Peppers are high rich in Vitamin C. In fact, red peppers contain around three times the amount of Vitamin C that oranges do. They also have other beneficial nutrients, including Beta Carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A to boost the health of your eyes and skin.
  • Yoghurt is rich in probiotics, the live bacteria which ensure the smooth running of your digestive system and help keep your immune system healthy. Your gut is home to a complex ecosystem of live bacterial flora. Probiotics help the friendly bacteria to thrive and kill off the harmful bacteria .Kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut and other fermented foods have similar benefits
  • Nuts are rich in Vitamin E, which, like Vitamin C, can help your body fight off colds and flu. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, but is fat-soluble, meaning the body will absorb more of it by eating the healthy fats present in many nuts, especially almonds and Brazil nuts.
  • Sunflower seeds  are another excellent source of Vitamin E. They are also packed full of other beneficial, immune-boosting nutrients including Phosphorous, Magnesium, Selenium and Vitamin B-6. Selenium is particularly useful in fighting viral infections.


Your diet plays an integral part in your overall wellbeing. Eating plenty of different coloured  organic fruits and vegetables should  ensure you get the right blend of natural vitamins and minerals you need to boost your immune system. However, if you’re concerned about any nutritional deficiencies, natural immune-boosting  good quality supplements can help top-up any shortfalls, especially if your body is under additional  stress.

 Here’s a few of my favourite Immune boosting supplements :

 Immune Formula

Defence Maintenance

Pro B11  

Vitamin D3

Vitamin C Timed Release  

Try this quick health check  questionnaire to find out if you have any nutrition deficiencies and if  your immune system  needs a boost 

If you have any questions or  want a FREE confidential chat about your health , fitness and nutrition , just give me a call or text on 07748 298728 

Love  Gaynor


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